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T N T - Hamed Ahangi
T N T - Hamed Ahangi - Show ویژه برنامه تی ان تی - Watch on LiveFarsi
Presenter and director: Hamed Anghi
Guests: Javad Yasari, Omid Hajili, Masoud Sadeghlou, Alireza Biranvand, Abbas Jamshidifar, Youssef Timuri and...
About the program: Hamed Anghi hosts popular figures from the culture, art and sports of our country. In this part of the program, Javad Yasari and Omid Hajili, together with the music band, will perform artistic live music pieces. The sweet conversation with Alireza Biranvand, the singing of Hamed Anghi and Nima Raisi and juggling in the presence of many spectators present in the hall are other parts of this program...
Release: 2023-03-20
Quality: HD
Rating: 0